WWW Wednesday – June 12, 2024

The three W’s are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan to read next?

This ebook was an Amazon First Reads choice back in January, but it’s giving summer vibes so I put off reading it. Now it’s the summer and I am going to start this one after work today.

“The Real Deal by Caitlin Devlin is a gripping and emotional journey that will resonate with readers who enjoy stimulating explorations of the complexities of child stardom, the blurred lines between reality and fiction, and the struggles of personal growth and self-discovery, making it a must-read for fans of contemporary fiction and those who appreciate stories that delve into the darker aspects of the entertainment industry.”- Storygraph Preview

I have been wanting to listen to this one, so I borrowed it from my library thanks to Libby!

“Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden is a gripping and challenging thriller that is a perfect fit for readers who are drawn to stories that explore the complexities of Native American identity, the struggles of reservation life, and the dark underbelly of crime and violence, and who are looking for a tense and suspenseful narrative that delves deep into the human condition.”- Storygraph Preview

All of these are reviewed on my Storygraph page

I am doing 20 Books of Summer challenge as well as June Is Audiobook Month challenge, but also want to keep up with my Netgalleys (they’ve gotten out of hand). In no real order, these books are high up on the TBR.

Don’t forget to link up with Taking On A World Of Words to share!

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