WWW Wednesday – June 5, 2024

The three W’s are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you plan to read next?

This ebook was giving to me thanks to Novel Suspects! I’m not too far in, but I am liking the premise so far. It’s holding my interest!

I put myself on the wait list at my local library for the new James Patterson book. I got a message saying my hold was available and I immediately picked it up and started it the same day. I know other people are waiting so it’s not like I am hold on to it for weeks at a time (like I normally do with library books lol).

Keeping up with my Netgalley backlog, and I am in my James Patterson mood, so I borrowed this audiobook from the library.

I feel like Kiersten Modglin is in the same realm of like Freida McFadden, you either love her popcorn thrillers or you just don’t. I was a fan for the longest time, devouring her books and really liking them. But lately her books have fallen flat for me. I gave this one one star and am just gonna put it behind me and move on. #20booksofsummer24

In wanting to keep up with my First Reads backlog, I read this one while on vacation. It was an okay read, but not a favorite by any means. Decent enough to rate three stars on Storygraph.

I am doing 20 Books of Summer challenge as well as June Is Audiobook Month challenge, but also want to keep up with my Netgalleys (they’ve gotten out of hand). In no real order, these books are high up on the TBR.

Don’t forget to link up with Taking On A World Of Words to share!

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